James 1 tells us to count it all joy when we meet trials. Why? Because that testing will produce a steadfastness that leads to a completeness, lacking in nothing. The testing pushes us into a deeper dependence on the true Perfect One. Not easy, but true.
That being said, we have wonderful news to share with you – baby #4 coming end of May! Wonderful, yet not without trial and we covet your prayers during this season. God has certainly used the last couple months to stretch us, refine us and push us to our max when we already thought we were there. This baby, in God’s divine wisdom and timing, has come to teach us and strengthen our family.
Frank recently completed his first flight from the instructor’s seat. Everything looks and feels different from there. It was like going back to his early training days all over again – for now, it takes a lot more mental energy to achieve less than desirable results in areas he hardly had to even think about anymore!
Please pray for wisdom and a clear mind for Frank during this next step in the training.
Actually, you can get a taste of what the flights were like because one of his passengers put together this great video. Thank you, Mark!